oh oh living on a prayer
be honest I really cannot believe I have been on the mission for a
year... I have learned many things, yet I have so much more I need to
The thing most important is that we
need to love everything... Our circumstances, blessings, trials, family,
friends, enemies, work, and most importantly God. Really we cannot do
anything without His help. All of our blessing come from him, all of our
talents, progress, everything. I really know that the Savior guiding
this church, God knows how to do his work, and he works in small and
simple ways.. I can say by small simple things we are made strong. I
love the spanish saying of OLA... Orar Leer Asistir... Really it is that
simple just prayer, read the scriptures, and go to church. We must do
it with full intent of heart, and a willingness to change and push
ourselves. I know the Book of Mormon is the best book. By not reading
and feasting upon its advices we shut ourselves from pure wisdom and
answers that we need.
The week was amazing, we
had zone conference, where they taught that we need to invite everyone
to baptism the first lesson, and the second lesson we must put a date...
If they do not accept, we need to drop the investigators and move to
the ones that God has prepared. It is actually really hard, because I
see every person I meet standing all in white... not baptisaml white but
temple white as an eternal family. This week many people came to
church. 3 investigators just came on their own accords, God works in
mysterious ways.
I know that this is God s work... Christ lives...
Well I will be able to say I have fought the good fight, like Paul,, one more year,, what a blessing.
Bring it..... The time is now,,,
see yous in a year,, hahahah
Elder Mecham
Ha in the picture i put a filter on.. I am really not that red
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